How painful are rib tattoos? - Quora

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Answer (1 of 19): "How much does it hurt?" This question is easily the most asked in every tattoo shop. You will hear a number of answers but this is such a hard question to answer as every person is very different. The easy answer is that all tattoos hurt. All of them. Some not as much as others

How painful are rib tattoos? - Quora

How painful is it to get a tattoo? I know certain areas of the body are more painful than others to tattoo but is it 'scream your head off' painful even then?

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Rib Tattoo Pain: How Bad Do Rib Tattoos Hurt? - AuthorityTattoo

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How painful are rib tattoos? - Quora

How many hours can you endure when you make a tattoo? - Quora

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