O que significa under my belt? - Pergunta sobre a Inglês (EUA

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Definição de under my belt "Knowledge under my belt" is an expression I hear occasionally. In that context, it essentially means "what I know/what's in my mind."|"under my belt" can be used to express you have something (usually knowledge or experience)|Usually, that expression is used to say that you have something (skill, experience, an actual physical thing, etc.) that is beneficial to you or your cause. Imagine a sort of mental tool belt, and your "tools" are these experiences and skills. I think this is where that expression comes from. An example would be if you are applying to a retail job, the employer may ask "How many years of retail experience do you have?" and you could say "I've got about 2 years of retail experience under my belt."
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O que significa under my belt? - Pergunta sobre a Inglês (EUA

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